How do you recognize depression?

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It is difficult to recognize depression, especially in its early stages. Mental disorders in general are difficult to diagnose due to the specificity of the diseases themselves. Thus, depression may for some period of time “hide” behind sleep disorders, depressed mood, poor health and increased fatigue. All these symptoms can be caused by both depression and a number of other mental disorders.

As a rule, a depressive state is a reaction to a long-term traumatic situation, life crises, conflicts with others, problems in school, work or family life. The danger of depression is that it manifests itself in the form of disorders in the following areas:

  • cognitive activity. Sluggishness of thinking, memory impairment, problems with concentration, difficulty remembering new information and other manifestations;
  • behavioral changes. Narrowing of the circle of communication, suicidal actions, general passivity, unwillingness to participate in collective activities;
  • physiologic activity. Sleep disorders, loss of appetite, problems with libido, digestive tract dysfunction;
  • emotional reactions. Decreased self-esteem, inability to rejoice and experience other positive emotions, anxiety, self-injury, despair.

Only an experienced doctor, after collecting anamnesis and test results can diagnose depression. However, you can make a preliminary conclusion about whether you have depression by taking an online test directly on our website.

Leave the above symptoms without attention should not be ignored – it is necessary to seek qualified help, because depression, especially in a severe stage, very rarely goes away by itself.

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