Can you be cured of a mental disorder

Estimated read time 2 min read

A person suffering from a mental disorder and trying to cure it is not a pleasant experience. Most of all, he or she wants to get rid of what is causing so much discomfort once and for all. Hence the question of whether a mental disorder can be cured permanently.

Mental disorders are not like appendicitis, which can be taken out once and forgotten about forever.

That is, there is no 100 percent guarantee that when you are cured of a mental disorder, it won’t reappear. It depends not only on the quality of treatment, but also on a large number of other factors.

In addition, there are some mental disorders that require lifelong medication, such as schizophrenia. There are also times when some disorders require repeated courses of treatment, like panic disorder.

Some mental disorders may recur in some people, and some people may never face their problem again. This is what happens with depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or acute transient psychosis.

Imagine that our mental health and the problems associated with it are a continuum (a segment), and we move along it over the course of our lives in different directions – from mental wellbeing to mental health problems and vice versa.

That is, anyone can develop a mental disorder at any time, but this will be influenced by a number of factors.

Factors affecting the human psyche:

  • experiences from childhood;
  • presence or absence of experience of traumatic events;
  • lifestyle – physical activity, sleep, nutrition;
  • social ties and environment;
  • stress and the ability to cope with it;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • environment;
  • substance use;
  • certain infections and somatic diseases.

If it is not possible to cope independently – it is necessary to turn to a psychologist or psychiatrist.

However, it is important not to forget that the treatment of mental illness depends not only on doctors, but also on patients and their desire to work on themselves.

You can reduce the risks of developing disorders, but, unfortunately, you can’t avoid their occurrence.

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